Strategic Plan

KSHA Executive Board members developed the following strategic plan in 2016 to guide the activities and efforts of KSHA (2016-2020).

Focus:  Association Organization and Management
Strategic Objective: Ensure that KSHA has effective governance, management, operations and financing so that KSHA can meet and exceed member expectations.
Organizational Short Term Goals/Strategies Person Responsible End Date
Create and implement a revenue generating plan to include:
  1. Advertising, sponsorships and service fees.                 
  2. Continuing education revenue through post-conference recordings, etc.
Executive Director, VP Finance, VP Speech-Language Pathology, VP Audiology  
December 2016
December 2017
Review and update as needed Cardinal documents of the association on alternate years
  1. Review and update bylaws (odd years)
  2. Review and update KSHA Handbook
(even years)
Executive Director/Leadership team or designee Fall, 2017
Fall, 2017
Fall, 2018
Streamline data base to update member clicks; explore adopting new database management system Executive Director and membership team Decision by: January 2017
Implementation: July 2017
Focus: Member Relations
Strategic Objective: Increase and support engagement and recruitment of a diverse membership
Organizational Short Term Goals/Strategies Person Responsible End Date
Organize face-to-face roundtable sessions for board members to meet with members, non-members and students at the KSHA convention Past President and Convention Committee September, 2016; ongoing pending review at each convention in 2017 and 2018
Develop communication plan and timelines for communicating with members including:
  • Developing specific content for membership for newsletter and Notes
  • Evaluate effectiveness of communication vehicles through survey tool (ASHA can assist)  and web analytics
VP for Communications, President and Executive Director, working committee chaired by VP
Executive Director and web assistant
December 2017
March 2018
Develop plan for connecting with underrepresented, disengaged and non-members
  • Create succession plan for individuals to serve on committees
  • Identify member concerns and consumer issues though survey tool
  • Connect students with KSHA through visits from KSHA board members and encouraging participation at convention
President-Elect, Executive Director and committee; Convention committee December 2018
December 2018
December 2018
Ongoing throughout the year and at each KSHA convention
Disseminate revised Mission, Vision and Goals to the membership
  • Explain in KSHA communication vehicles what KSHA membership offers audiologists, SLPs and students
VP for Communications, committee, President, Executive Director December 2016; ongoing
Focus: Advocacy
Strategic Objective: Advocate for the professions and individuals with communication disorders to ensure access to quality services with appropriate reimbursement
Organizational Short Term Goals/Strategies Person Responsible End Date
KSHA will host an annual Legislative Day at the Capitol in Topeka President-elect, VP for Professional Practice and Executive Director January 2017, 2018, 2019
KSHA will communicate with members regarding legislative activity
  • KSHA will activate member advocacy network through KSHA notes and through ASHA Advocacy e-blast system as needed
  • KSHA will communicate with members about legislative/regulatory issues and successful advocacy in KSHA Notes and Connection
VP for Professional Practice, President and Legislative Liaisons Legislative sessions in 2017, 2018 and 2019
Every other issue of KSHA publications will include legislative/regulatory update (ongoing)
KSHA will review and develop a report on the roles and responsibilities of the SEALs, STARs and StAMPS
  • KSHA will develop a reporting mechanism for state network members including:
  • Providing a report for the board at each meeting
  • Providing a quarterly update on activities for KSHA Connection
VP for Professional Practices, Past President and Executive Director Executive Board Meeting at 2017 KSHA Conference
Executive Board Meeting, 2017
Ongoing, beginning at the fall, 2017 Executive Board Meeting
Quarterly, beginning Fall, 2107
Focus: Public Relations
Strategic Objective: Implement innovative and comprehensive public relations plan to increase community awareness of the professions served and services provided
Organizational Short Term Goals/Strategies Person Responsible End Date
KSHA will develop branding strategy for the Association including:
  • New Logo
  • Byline
  • Color scheme
  • Font
VP for Communications will establish committee to work with Executive Director and designer April 2017
KSHA will redesign webpage and web content for consumers VP for Communications will establish a design and web content committee to complete revision to web site with Executive Director and web designer July 2017
Focus: Professional Development and Continuing Education
Strategic Objective: Provide high quality innovative professional development to ensure sustainability and increase visibility for KSHA and the best practices of the professions it represents
Organizational Short Term Goals/Strategies Person Responsible End Date
Provide an annual conference to include web-based access after the event Executive Director VP for SLP, VP for Audiology and the Convention chairs 2017 KSHA Conference; ongoing
Promote national and state CEU opportunities to members through Connections, CEU calendar and social media Executive Director, VP SLP, VP Audiology and VP for Communications Implement plan to promote CEU opportunities for September 2017 conference; ongoing
Explore additional ways to offer CEU and networking opportunities including:
  • List servs
  • Discussion groups
  • Virtual learning opportunities
Executive Director, VP for Audiology and SLP, VP for Communications Summer 2017